Stor8 (Pt 1)
Home✗BlogStor8 was one of the oldest projects I've done as 8byte. However, the original version was very poor in quality and was missing a lot of important features. This new version uses a lot of the things I've learned in the past year to be a much higher quality product.
Changes from 2020
Crazy how the time passes. When I first made Stor8 V.1 in 2020, it was written in Python and was hosted with Heroku (RIP...). It also required every user to download their own "copy" of the program and host/run it themselves. Which, for customization purposes, was good, but not so much in terms of useability/ease. The new version uses's new OAuth API to handle logins/users.
Even though didn't have a public API when I first made Stor8, having a way to allow users to log in should've been something I focused on. Mostly since Pastebin is so popular because of how easy it is to copy/paste things into a web browser.
Another big change is the sheer amount of features I've added. In 2020, Stor8 was a very basic program that only really allowed users to showcase codes. The new version will allow greater folder accessibility, tagging, versioning, and much more. Since log-ins are a thing now, it will also let me make user profiles.
Beta Release
The beta release is planned for sometime in this month. The features that will come with the beta release are:
- Login with
- Code "pasting" (aka, uploading a code to the site)
- Code "versioning" (a code can have multiple versions, i.e. custom colors + bootstrap colors)
- User profiles
- Folders
- Nested folders
- Codes can be put in multiple folders, too!
Other Planned Features
These features are also planned for future releases, but aren't a priority for the release application.
- Tag system: I plan on having limited tags for easy categorization and search. Users will be able to suggest tags to be added in the future. The tags will be in the following categories:
- Type: Character, User, Folders, World, Commissions, Miscellaneous
- Language: HTML, CSS
- Color: Custom, Mixed, Bootstrap
- Aesthetic: This list is still TBD
- Misc stats about each code
- Ratings: Less so about how "good" the code is and more about how easy it is to use
- Length: Pretty self-explanatory, mostly used to gauge extensive-ness
- Pastes: Amount of times it's been pasted (this will be a trickier one since I'd like to prevent numbers farming)
- More user profile customization (Hi, Elliott!)
- CSS (applied to both your profile and your code pages)
- Blurbs (text only)
- Social Links (unlimited?)
Concluding Statements
Looks like I've got this week's work cut out for me... I wonder how long it'll take me to get to the beta release :)