Stor8 (Pt 2)
Home✗BlogStor8 is almost finished! After finishing up on both password protection and tags today, the site is almost at the same level as the first version (with greater ease of access and a cleaner UI). The estimated release date is in two days, so I thought I'd catalogue some of the recent changes.
Instead of focusing on folders, I decided the tag system would be more useful (the Beantown server agreed). While folders will be released in a future update, it's just not top priority right now.
I finished password protection, which was a lot more challenging than the original considering how the code is set up. While the original had one code per page, the new Stor8 can have multiple versions of a code. I had to use an API call to get the codes so that it wouldn't change which codes are unlocked every refresh.
UI Changes
As usual, I asked the Beantownies for suggestions and, as usual, Elliott sent me several extremely detailed and beautiful mock-ups. The site looks a lot cleaner now.
Here's some screenshots from the test server:

What's Left?
I still need to add the edit page. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to do something similar to the code page when it comes to API calls. That way, the database access won't time out when someone tries to update every single version AND all the meta information all at once (please don't do this).